Any type of Arts & Crafts, Photography, Fiber Arts, Sewing & Quilting, Legos, Technology, Architecture,
Aquariums, Plants, Baked Goods and Preserved Foods. Our youth competitions are open to Florida
residents in grades 1 – 12.
If you have exhibited before or have requested to be added to our email list you will receive an email in September stating that the handbooks which contain the rules, important dates and entry information are ready and posted online at
There will be announcements on our Facebook page as well.
Yes… we can receive shipped items. They are usually due to arrive prior to the in person delivery date. See
specific handbook for details. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the entrant.
Your shipped item will need to be accompanied by a Shipping Form & return postage.
Yes, there are many ways to volunteer before, during & after the Fair. Please contact our Volunteer department at
All entries will be displayed at the Fair whether they receive an award or not. In keeping with the Florida State Fair’s family orientation; items of an offensive, controversial or objectionable nature or subject matter will not be accepted.