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2025 RV SuperShow

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January 17, 2025

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9:00 am - 6:00 pm

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4800 U.S. Hwy 301 N
Tampa, FL 33610

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Admission: $15

Parking: $10 Cars & $16 RV/Bus

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MLK or 301

Florida RV Trade Association


RV SuperShow

The 2025 SuperShow will have representation from every major RV manufacturer as well as hundreds of accessory booths exhibitors.

With hundreds of RVs on display and educational seminars, the SuperShow is the place to trade-in your old RV or get all the information you need to get acquainted with the RV lifestyle.

Some of Florida’s finest campgrounds and resorts will have booth exhibits to show attendees the best camping opportunities found anywhere. A huge display of camping accessories and supplies will be found in the General RV Store.

A favorite of all visitors to the SuperShow is the FREE entertainment.


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